Monday, March 25, 2013


On Saturday I rode in my first horse show! It was held at the barn I ride at and was just schooling show, so super relaxed and a great venue and day for my first show...

The day dawned pretty clear and sunny, but COLD! Tack was cleaned and oiled, boots were stripped of the many layers of mud and Griffin was groomed til he was shining in the morning sunshine. I was lucky to have Elliot, my mom and my cousin Hayley, as well as Ed and Diane, the lovely couple I board with, and Jenny, the neighbour and a friend that I ride with, coming to support me (Jenny was actually riding in the show as well!).

| Photo by Hayley Hais |

We set out to the barn, which is only 10 minutes down the road from where I board. Once we arrived I went and registered and got my number. Number 58.

| Photo by Hayley Hais |

I was riding in the second class of the day, the cross rails, with 8 other girls. This included 3 rounds, two "Hunter over Fences" and one "Equitation". First it was time to warm up - and I have never been in the ring with so many people at once! And this was just a small show! It was pretty nerve racking, but we didn't get in anyones way and our practice jumps went well. I was feeling pretty good. Then it was time to learn the course - and oh my goodness I was so scared I was going to forget where I was going! I sat there on Griffin staring at this piece of paper with the course on it waiting for my turn. I think I was 4th or 5th into the ring but to be honest I don't remember!

I rode into the ring, took a circle and put Griffin into a canter, and that was when I learnt that my horse is a total show off! He absolutely LOVED that everyone was watching him! Off we went, over the first jump, around to the first diagonal, over the first line, over the next diagonal, over the second line....wait we were done! It all happend so fast! Like a blur! And it went pretty well! We lost our lead and canter once but got it back, and we didn't get lost! Out of the ring to wait for round two....

Look at those adorable ears!
| Photo by Hayley Hais |

| Photo by Elliot Russell |

Round two went even better! I was ready for Griffs excitement and show boat attitude and we improved on our first round!

Then I came out of the ring to realize there was a DIFFERENT course for the 3rd round! PANIC! I didn't even realize that I was being judged on my equitation until I was headed into the ring and my trainer Gina whispered it to be and gave me a few tips on my seat! But instead of worrying about that I just focused on improving on our second round. And I felt we did. Thats all that mattered.

My mom giving Griff some well deserved scratches!
| Photo by Hayley Hais |

This is me trying to memorize the 3rd round course!
| Photo by Hayley Hais |

I came out of the ring and jumped off Griffin and I felt great! This was such a big accomplishment for us! You see I have only had Griffin for coming up on 4 months, so we have been adjusting to each other slowly but surely and the day before was the first time I had even cantered a full course on him! We stood there waiting for them to announce the results of each round but I wasn't expecting to place, I had done this for me and Griffin, not the ribbon. Well, I came 5th in our first round, and 4th in our second! I got a pretty yellow ribbon to pin to the board in the barn! Amazing! Such a bonus to the day!

Bum shot!
| Photo by Elliot Russell |

| Photo by Hayley Hais |

Now I know as a type this that when Elliot reads this he is going to roll his eyes and wonder what the heck he got himself into two years ago when he asked if I wanted to ride some horses for a friend of his, but I cannot wait to try a big show this Summer! I can't wait to start moving up and improving! And not for the ribbons but for me and Griffin!

Full Album of photos will be up on my Facebook! Thank you to Hayley and Elliot for documenting my first horse show so well!

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