Monday, September 16, 2013
Moments in Photography - Little Sister Lee
I often look through all my photos from over the past 8 months and can't believe my eyes. I am not one to "toot my own horn" or anything, in fact I prefer to blend into the background of things and get easily embarrassed over praise, but the improvement in my photography is so amazing I can't help but notice. Thinking back on things I realize one of the major reasons I have improved so much is because of an idea my sister and I had. We decided to start filming the announcements for our Church and along with this came a request from Carley; she asked if I could snap some photos of her because she wanted to start a fashion blog. So we headed out to various locations, her "not quite DSLR, but more than a point and shoot" camera and tripod in hand. I won't bore you with details, but the fact of the matter is that Carley is a large part of the reason that my photography is where it is. She lets me try new things and use her as my guinea pig on a weekly basis. She lays in the dirt for me, climbs mountains in heels and constantly inspires me to get better! Check out our journey...and check out Carley's blog -
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Moments in Photography - Emily and Peter
Last Wednesday evening my sister Carley and I took our dear friends Emily and Peter out to beautiful Neck Point to capture some engagement photos. It was my first time shooting and engagement, and I won't lie - I was NERVOUS! But Emily had seen my photography both on Facebook and through Carley's blog and so when she asked Carley to style her and Peter, and me to capture the moments, I couldn't say no! We started the evening off by heading to the salon to help Emily "get her gorgeous on"! Her sister styled her hair and Carley touch up her make-up while Peter got his hair trimmed as well. Carley and I had been together most of the afternoon and we were both really happy about how the weather was turning out that day, it wasn't clear blue sky but the sun was shining through the clouds and the light was just right. But, when we left the salon and the sky started to turn black with storm clouds and big fat rain drops started to fall as we raced towards Neck Point. Now, if I admitted I was nervous before I can't even tell you how I was feeling now! We arrived at Neck Point and I told Emily and Peter we would do our best, and if we had to, reschedule on a nicer day. We raced over to the first location I had in mind and luckily the rain stopped, but the light was fading and it was fading fast! Emily and Peter were total rockstars; they climbed over railings and cliffs while we chased the light and never complained once. Just when we thought we would call it a night this breathtaking sunset broke through the clouds and we dove back into action, shooting until the sun dipped below the mountains and it was dark. We parted ways and Carley and I headed back to our moms for a late night dinner and to start going through all the shots I had gotten. At this point I was still thinking I was going to have to reschedule the shoot for another day, worried that I hadn't captured enough, but boy was I wrong! Narrowing down my favourites for this post was near impossible...
Congratulations Peter and Emily!
To read Carley's post about this photo shoot check out her blog: Little Bird Lee
To see more of my photography follow my new page on Facebook: Moments in Photography
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Long time no post everyone! I know I haven't posted in FOREVER and here is one of the reasons why...
I recently just finished working for a local charity event, Fashions Night Out Nanaimo! It was a whirlwind couple of months! My sister Carley, or Little Bird Lee, got me involved after she found out they were looking for a graphic designer! The event featured several local down town boutiques in a fabulous fashion show that raised money for the Nanaimo Women's Centre! Now along with all the posters, tickets and promo material, I also was a bit of a part time photographer. For those of you who don't already know, I take the large majority of Carley's blog photos. She did a spot light on each boutique, as well a styling post that featured outfits from each of the boutiques! So between the designing and the photographing, I've been super busy! Check it out...
More of where I have been and what I have been up to the last few months coming soon!
I recently just finished working for a local charity event, Fashions Night Out Nanaimo! It was a whirlwind couple of months! My sister Carley, or Little Bird Lee, got me involved after she found out they were looking for a graphic designer! The event featured several local down town boutiques in a fabulous fashion show that raised money for the Nanaimo Women's Centre! Now along with all the posters, tickets and promo material, I also was a bit of a part time photographer. For those of you who don't already know, I take the large majority of Carley's blog photos. She did a spot light on each boutique, as well a styling post that featured outfits from each of the boutiques! So between the designing and the photographing, I've been super busy! Check it out...
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| The Nanaimo Womens Centre | |
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| Graphics | |
Here is some of the photography I did for Carley! You should check out her blog for all the spotlights and outfit posts!
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| Catwalk | |
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| Lux | |
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| NYLA | |
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| Sartorial | |
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| Quintessential | |
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| Bliss | |
More of where I have been and what I have been up to the last few months coming soon!
Monday, April 22, 2013
Happy Monday everyone! For those of you who don't know me, or maybe missed the memo, I am an avid "Instagrammer"! If you are my facebook friend, you are used to my constant posting of photos of my horse Griffin, but what you don't realize is that the amount of photos I post to Facebook probably isn't even half of what I post on Instagram! As you sit and read this you are probably wondering why I am telling you this, so let me tell you...
Over my last year or so of instagramming I have become part of a small community of horse crazed people. The people that I have met, or "follow" are from all over the world! From Switzerland, Germany, Norway, Great Britain and all over the US, to RIGHT here in beautiful BC! In fact, that is how I came across the ever so talented Quinn Saunders! I had been following her for a while when she posted stating she also had a Facebook page for her photography business and would love if all her followers could go "like" it! So I headed over, only to be surprised that she is not only from BC, but from the mainland! I clicked through her photos and my immediate thought was "Wow! This girl is talented! And it doesn't look like she has a logo...". I continued following her on both Facebook and Instagram for a while and something just kept nagging me to message her about her "lack" of a logo! So I took a chance, messaged her telling her I wanted to make her a logo if she didn't have one, and she messaged back saying she would be flattered! YAY!
Not even a week later I was sending her my ideas! And only days after that we were finalizing! It was so fun designing a logo for Quinn! She is a super fun, down to earth girl, and oh, did I mention only 15! Here is a bit more about her...
How did you get into photography?
The Olympics has always been my major goal but a more recent goal for me is to go to Europe and shoot some of the World Cup events over there. European riding is a completely different thing compared to North American riding. The major shows that I would love to attend would be Dublin (Ireland), Hickstead (England), and Saut Hermes (Paris). Spruce Meadows in Calgary is also a huge goal of mine and it looks like that show will be happening this year for me
Over my last year or so of instagramming I have become part of a small community of horse crazed people. The people that I have met, or "follow" are from all over the world! From Switzerland, Germany, Norway, Great Britain and all over the US, to RIGHT here in beautiful BC! In fact, that is how I came across the ever so talented Quinn Saunders! I had been following her for a while when she posted stating she also had a Facebook page for her photography business and would love if all her followers could go "like" it! So I headed over, only to be surprised that she is not only from BC, but from the mainland! I clicked through her photos and my immediate thought was "Wow! This girl is talented! And it doesn't look like she has a logo...". I continued following her on both Facebook and Instagram for a while and something just kept nagging me to message her about her "lack" of a logo! So I took a chance, messaged her telling her I wanted to make her a logo if she didn't have one, and she messaged back saying she would be flattered! YAY!
Not even a week later I was sending her my ideas! And only days after that we were finalizing! It was so fun designing a logo for Quinn! She is a super fun, down to earth girl, and oh, did I mention only 15! Here is a bit more about her...
How did you get into photography?
My parents purchased me a camera as a 10 year old, and I brought it everywhere! I took pictures of everything and some of them turned out pretty cool, so my parents upgraded my camera when I was 13 and things took off from there!
Why Equine photography?
Being an avid equestrian for almost 9 years now horses are obviously a major passion of mine. When I got my first camera it eventually ended up going to the barn with me and I figured out I loved taking pictures of horses. Whether it was jumping, dressage, cross country, anything to do with a horse I wanted to photograph it! It has developed into a full fledged passion for me and I've never looked back.
What is your favorite thing about your job as a photographer?
Probably the reaction I get from people to a picture that I took of them. It could be a picture of their horse jumping pretty, an artistic angle, or just a candid moment. When they see it and their face lights up and they can't stop gushing about it, that makes me feel fantastic and it lets me know that I did my job properly.
What/Where is the coolest thing you've gotten to shoot?
My recent trip to HITS Thermal was easily the coolest experience of my life. I was there for 3 weeks and took pictures of some of the worlds most renowned hunter and jumper riders including a few Olympians, Rich Fellers, Jill Henslewood, and Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum. And a few personal favourites of mine, Ashlee Bond, and Kyle King,
Do you have a goal show or someone you dream about photographing?
A few people that I would like to photograph would be.. Eric Lamaze, Ian Millar, Richard Spooner, John French, Reed Kessler, McLain Ward, Penelope Leprevost, Oliver & Nicola Philippaerts, Beezie Madden, Kent Farrington, the list is essentially endless!
Tell us a bit about yourself!!
I'm really just a normal teenager! I love to listen to music, read and write books, bake, hang out with friends, and ride my horse. I have two of the worlds most supportive parents and they are really the reason I have come so far with my photography in such a short time.
| Quinn's new logo! |
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Chelsea Dawn and I met a while back after she hired me to design a boudoir logo for her, as well as help her rebrand the rest of her photography and make-up business a bit. As all good designers do, I checked out her facebook and web page to get a feel for her style, and I immediately fell in love! Every one of her photos glows with light and natural beauty, something I have always been drawn to in photography.
5. What made you want to do make-up as well?
Deciding I wanted to do make-up as a career was a long time in the making. It took me until I was 21 to decide. You see, firstly I wanted to be a teacher, then dreamt of broadway, then I thought it would be super cool to be a famous singer so I started a band called 'La Mocha' in Grade 7 with my best friend (that lasted about two weeks) then I dreamt of being a marine biologist and then an aesthetician as I loved spas & makeup. After all that growing and changing and pondering life, I decided to enroll in the makeup artistry program at John Casablancas Institute in Vancouver in 2009. It was a crazy, adventure filled, year long program that covered everything from beauty to gory special FX and monster makeup! It was the greatest experience and when I came back to the island- I set out to be a successful freelance makeup artist. That was it! Little did I know I was in for more than that alone...
| Her new branding |
Here is a little bit about the wonderful Chelsea Dawn
Hi! I'm Chelsea! I consider myself a dreamer and a thrill seeker. I adore travelling and spontaneous adventures near or far. I like to drink hot water, which most people think is super weird, but it's actually really good! I love all things creative; they make me extra happy! I'd say I am a lighthearted, goofy kind of girl. It's lovely I grew up in Alberta but Vancouver Island is now home and I couldn't be happier! I am in love with musicals, creme-brulee & this lovely life of mine.
1. What made you want to be a photographer?
Growing up, I spent many days after school with friends doing what we thought were really fabulous photo shoots. I was in front of the camera as much as I was the one taking photos but it was always a ton of fun. As I got older, I was found capturing every moment of my travels around the world but even at that point, photography was still never something I considered as anything more than a hobby. The opportunity for photography as a career truly just fell into my lap a few years ago, but I am so glad it did.
2. What is your favorite thing about being a photographer?
I love many things about being a photographer. Photographing women & reminding them of just how beautiful they are is extremely rewarding. I also love how I get so warmly welcomed into the lives of those I meet & my clients often become my friends. Being trusted to document some of the most memorable times of their life warms my heart. It's just delightful.
3. What is your favorite thing to shoot?
My favourite thing to shoot... I'd have to say beauty portraits. I see beauty in everybody I meet but I know we don't always see the beauty in ourselves. I feel pretty strongly about helping woman recognize that they are in fact seriously gorgeous, at all stages in life. Give me a senior in high school, an expectant mama or a woman whose celebrating her 60th birthday & I will be thrilled to photograph them, capturing images that I know will make them smile and feel truly beautiful. I also really adore photographing couples in love and if I can, I adore stylizing a photo session!
4. What is your favorite photo shoot to date?
One of my favourite shoots to date (that's right- I can't choose just ONE) took place earlier this year on a really foggy day in Qualicum Beach. I was working with a fabulous girl named Teresa from Victoria. She basically brought over her entire closet, we tossed it on my couch and I sifted through everything looking for inspiration. I found a few key articles and I had a makeup plan, a hair plan and we were off! I love the way it came together. Images from that session can be found on my blog here:
Deciding I wanted to do make-up as a career was a long time in the making. It took me until I was 21 to decide. You see, firstly I wanted to be a teacher, then dreamt of broadway, then I thought it would be super cool to be a famous singer so I started a band called 'La Mocha' in Grade 7 with my best friend (that lasted about two weeks) then I dreamt of being a marine biologist and then an aesthetician as I loved spas & makeup. After all that growing and changing and pondering life, I decided to enroll in the makeup artistry program at John Casablancas Institute in Vancouver in 2009. It was a crazy, adventure filled, year long program that covered everything from beauty to gory special FX and monster makeup! It was the greatest experience and when I came back to the island- I set out to be a successful freelance makeup artist. That was it! Little did I know I was in for more than that alone...
6. What came first, make-up or photography?
Photography came after. I had a camera, since as I mentioned I have always been a bit photo crazy, and put it to use purely for the sake of taking photos of my makeup work for my portfolio. I would do makeup for girls I knew and we would go out and do mini photo shoots so I had something in my portfolio other than just head shots. Plus, it was fun! Who didn't love getting dolled up and posing for the camera? I grew up doing that! Suddenly, the makeup enquiries turned into makeover photo shoot enquiries and later that lead to weddings etc! I hadn't anticipated it but I wouldn't have it any other way! Makeup & photography truly do compliment each other just perfectly!
Now the REALLY exciting part about this blog post is that a few weeks ago I was cruising Facebook in my spare time (ok, maybe I was procrastinating) and I stumbled across a status from the lovely Chelsea Dawn Photography. It read "What would you absolutely LOVE to have captured in 2013 & why? It could be a sweet simple moment or your dream photo shoot.. I want to hear it! I may just be in touch with you to bring this idea to life :)". So I commented about how I have always wanted to do one of those magical photo shoots with my horse, and not thinking anything more of it, kept cruising facebook. A little while later a message from Chelsea popped up! She told me how much she loved photo shoots involving horses and that she would love to talk more! We ended up messaging back and forth, chatting about hair, makeup and outfit choices, as well as location thoughts. Three weeks later I was knocking on her door to have my hair and make up done!
| Click the Photo for a link to a video of all my stills by Chelsea <3 |
And please check out her website
Thursday, April 11, 2013
A few months ago my cousin Hayley asked me to design a logo for a great cause - Paws without Borders! Now for those of you who maybe don't know me, I love animals! I have grown up with at least one dog in the house my whole life, so when Hayley asked I of course said YES!
All over Canada and the USA. We have taken dogs from Vancouver Island, BC, Alberta, Sask, NWT, Washington, Oregon, California. Truly is the name Paws Without Borders. We believe that where there are dogs in need, and we have the means or resources to help, we will. We take owner surrenders, reservation dogs, pound dog, medical surrenders, dogs on death row etc.
How do you decide which dogs come here?
It depends on where they are. There are places that are almost impossible for us to get them moved to the island from due to geography or finances. If there is a means to get them here, then we will do our best to help them out. We do not have a shelter facility so all of our dogs are in loving family foster homes and that can also be a factor in deciding on bringing in dogs. When it comes to behaviour cases, it will mean we need a foster family someone capable of handling them. We try to help out dogs that are going to be euthanized. I also take medical surrenders from my work at the vet clinic when people do not have the finances to pay for an accident or injury, as well as dogs whose time is up at a shelter/pound and therefore going to be euthanized due to space at the shelter. We always try to take last chance dogs. I get routine emails, facebook posts etc with the dogs that are going to die soon and then try to arrange transport and foster homes for them if I am able to.
How do you get the dogs here? Once they get here what happens?
We work with transport groups! There is a group of west jet employees that use their employee benefits to escort dogs across Canada from one rescue to another. The West Jet Air Angels! We also work with a group called Pilots n' Paws, where small individual pilots donate their time, gas and air time to transport dogs from one area to another. They help with a lot of the remote areas and reservation dogs. For the dogs from the USA there are transportation networks that we use who will gather the dogs from the shelters and drive for several days from one location to rescue groups and then I meet them on the south side of the border and collect my dogs and bring them back into Canada. These have a lot of costs involved with them, air fares, crate fees on the airlines, crate/transport fees for each dog brought up, ferry costs, gas costs etc. They are unloaded, we get to know them a bit and then they go into their foster homes that are waiting for them. Medical care is provided if needed, flea treatment, deworming etc happens right away.
How do you go about fostering?
Foster homes are there to provide a temporary home for these dogs until their forever home can be found. They are volunteers who open up their home to these dogs and without them we could not help the dogs that we do! People interested in fostering can fill out a foster application form from the website or they can email me and I can provide them with the application form and also a foster handout that will educate foster homes in what to expect from shelter dogs, health concerns etc.
How do you go about adopting?
Available dogs can be viewed on the website, petfinder and facebook. There is an adoption application form on the website and downloaded and filled out and emailed back to me. If you have questions or want to have an adoption application form emailed to you, you can send a request to the rescue email and I can forward an application to perspective adopters.
How can people donate to this fabulous cause?
1. E - Transfer
2. PayPal to
3. Send me an email and I can give an address
What made you decide to start doing this?
I have been working in rescue for over 10 years. I started in Winnipeg Humane Society with temperament testing, behaviour, adoptions and receiving. I was a foster home for many dogs there. Then worked with some private rescues that took in dogs from the USA. When I moved to Nanaimo I fostered for the several dogs for the Nanaimo SPCA. I have always wanted to help dogs from death row, and I rescued one myself who was in the USA and she now has been with me 8 years! I started small and just took in a few dogs. It took me months to make connections with other rescues, transporters etc and make the relationships with them to bring in the dogs. I feel that as long as I am able to help these dogs I will continue doing do. I am a veterinary technician full time so helping animals is literally a full time job.
A note from Melanie...
I run the rescue, website, petfinder and facebook page myself. I work full time at the vet clinic. I do all the emails, applications, interviews, home checks etc. I do all the picking of dogs, transports, pick ups etc. As well as foster homes, foster applications. I just want people to know that I do my best to answer emails and phone calls, but I do get behind and have to work around my own schedule and the schedule of foster homes. Please have patience with me and know that I do my very best! I also fund the rescue 100% myself. The adoption fees help to continue supporting the costs of the rescue and the rest I cover myself. Last year's vet bills were $12,500 and that doesn't include food, or gas, ferry fees, transport fees etc. So any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Also that without foster homes we cannot keep helping the dogs that we do and foster homes literally save lives.
Here are only a few of the many dogs Melanie has up for adoption right now. For more please visit Paws Without Borders on their website or facebook page
| Logo |
Melanie had a pretty good idea of what she wanted in a logo and I am so very glad that I got to help her out by designing it! Shortly after finalizing the logo and business cards I started this blog and one of the first post ideas I thought of was featuring Paws without Borders! So I emailed Melanie with some questions about the dogs she rescues, how things work and how YOU can foster or adopt a dog...
Where do you rescue the dogs from?
How do you decide which dogs come here?
It depends on where they are. There are places that are almost impossible for us to get them moved to the island from due to geography or finances. If there is a means to get them here, then we will do our best to help them out. We do not have a shelter facility so all of our dogs are in loving family foster homes and that can also be a factor in deciding on bringing in dogs. When it comes to behaviour cases, it will mean we need a foster family someone capable of handling them. We try to help out dogs that are going to be euthanized. I also take medical surrenders from my work at the vet clinic when people do not have the finances to pay for an accident or injury, as well as dogs whose time is up at a shelter/pound and therefore going to be euthanized due to space at the shelter. We always try to take last chance dogs. I get routine emails, facebook posts etc with the dogs that are going to die soon and then try to arrange transport and foster homes for them if I am able to.
How do you get the dogs here? Once they get here what happens?
We work with transport groups! There is a group of west jet employees that use their employee benefits to escort dogs across Canada from one rescue to another. The West Jet Air Angels! We also work with a group called Pilots n' Paws, where small individual pilots donate their time, gas and air time to transport dogs from one area to another. They help with a lot of the remote areas and reservation dogs. For the dogs from the USA there are transportation networks that we use who will gather the dogs from the shelters and drive for several days from one location to rescue groups and then I meet them on the south side of the border and collect my dogs and bring them back into Canada. These have a lot of costs involved with them, air fares, crate fees on the airlines, crate/transport fees for each dog brought up, ferry costs, gas costs etc. They are unloaded, we get to know them a bit and then they go into their foster homes that are waiting for them. Medical care is provided if needed, flea treatment, deworming etc happens right away.
How do you go about fostering?
Foster homes are there to provide a temporary home for these dogs until their forever home can be found. They are volunteers who open up their home to these dogs and without them we could not help the dogs that we do! People interested in fostering can fill out a foster application form from the website or they can email me and I can provide them with the application form and also a foster handout that will educate foster homes in what to expect from shelter dogs, health concerns etc.
How do you go about adopting?
Available dogs can be viewed on the website, petfinder and facebook. There is an adoption application form on the website and downloaded and filled out and emailed back to me. If you have questions or want to have an adoption application form emailed to you, you can send a request to the rescue email and I can forward an application to perspective adopters.
How can people donate to this fabulous cause?
1. E - Transfer
2. PayPal to
3. Send me an email and I can give an address
What made you decide to start doing this?
I have been working in rescue for over 10 years. I started in Winnipeg Humane Society with temperament testing, behaviour, adoptions and receiving. I was a foster home for many dogs there. Then worked with some private rescues that took in dogs from the USA. When I moved to Nanaimo I fostered for the several dogs for the Nanaimo SPCA. I have always wanted to help dogs from death row, and I rescued one myself who was in the USA and she now has been with me 8 years! I started small and just took in a few dogs. It took me months to make connections with other rescues, transporters etc and make the relationships with them to bring in the dogs. I feel that as long as I am able to help these dogs I will continue doing do. I am a veterinary technician full time so helping animals is literally a full time job.
A note from Melanie...
I run the rescue, website, petfinder and facebook page myself. I work full time at the vet clinic. I do all the emails, applications, interviews, home checks etc. I do all the picking of dogs, transports, pick ups etc. As well as foster homes, foster applications. I just want people to know that I do my best to answer emails and phone calls, but I do get behind and have to work around my own schedule and the schedule of foster homes. Please have patience with me and know that I do my very best! I also fund the rescue 100% myself. The adoption fees help to continue supporting the costs of the rescue and the rest I cover myself. Last year's vet bills were $12,500 and that doesn't include food, or gas, ferry fees, transport fees etc. So any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Also that without foster homes we cannot keep helping the dogs that we do and foster homes literally save lives.
Here are only a few of the many dogs Melanie has up for adoption right now. For more please visit Paws Without Borders on their website or facebook page
| Photo by Hayley |
Red is a 6-8yr old male chi (looks purebred) he is only about 5lbs and is sweet as can be. He is good with other dogs, people and kids and loves to be close to you. He has lots of energy and spunk and certainly will make a great addition to any family. He will be neutered before being adopted out but is vaccinated, dewormed and flea treated.
| Photo by Hayley |
Gizmo - male 1yr old mixed breed. Weighs about 15lbs. He is a good boy who gets along great with other dogs. He is very shy and doesn't seem to have had a lot of human interaction. His foster home is working on getting him to trust people. He has no aggression just shy to approach. He also hasn't been on a leash and needs work learning what it is. He would benefit from basic obedience classes to help him gain confidence. He is neutered, vaccinated, dewormed and flea treated.
| Photo by Hayley |
Harley the wonder pug! Harley is probably a pug x chi, he is a bundle of energy and love. He loves the world, dogs, children, people and will follow you around everywhere. He weighs 10lbs and is about 6-8months old. He is neutered, vaccinated, dewormed and flea treated. He will make a great addition to any home!! (If I could, I would take this cutie home in a second!!)
| My cousin Hayley, and her rescue Millie!!! Millie is a pitbull x and THE sweetest girl ever! |
Monday, April 8, 2013
I spent this past weekend at the beautiful Black Rock Resort in rainy Ucluelet, where I had the honor and pleasure of standing up as Maid of Honor for my very best friend Angie! Angie and I have known each other since high school and though we were never friends until after we graduated, we became what my one of my favorite movies likes to refer to as "bossom friends". We are so much a like it is a little scary - the only difference is that I am a brunette and she is a blonde. We share our love for the Canucks, Country music, peanut M&Ms and popcorn, just to name a few. We also have the same size feet and share a similar taste in clothes which has been more than a bonus over the years! Ha ha!
I have had the privilege of watching my best friend fall in love over the past three years with a wonderful guy named Jon. I have been there since the beginning, since the weekend she started working in the small town of Ucluelet, BC and experienced what all hopeless romantics like to call "love at first sight". And if you ask me it really was for these two. I have also had the privilege of being a part of their special day in quite a few ways...
First I got to design all of their wedding invitations and stationary...
And of course as I mentioned I was Angie's Maid of Honor.
Angie and Jon were married in the Wine Cellar at The Black Rock and it was such a romantic setting for their love story (oh and did I mention that this was a Red Serge wedding! That means you can multiply the romance by a thousand!!). The night before the wedding stormed so loud we thought the windows would blow in, but the day dawned with overcast greys skies and peaks of sunshine. She made the most beautiful and stunning bride and I wish I had more photos to share with you, but until then, here are two teasers from their fabulous photographers Mint and Lime Photography....
I have had the privilege of watching my best friend fall in love over the past three years with a wonderful guy named Jon. I have been there since the beginning, since the weekend she started working in the small town of Ucluelet, BC and experienced what all hopeless romantics like to call "love at first sight". And if you ask me it really was for these two. I have also had the privilege of being a part of their special day in quite a few ways...
First I got to design all of their wedding invitations and stationary...
And of course as I mentioned I was Angie's Maid of Honor.
Angie and Jon were married in the Wine Cellar at The Black Rock and it was such a romantic setting for their love story (oh and did I mention that this was a Red Serge wedding! That means you can multiply the romance by a thousand!!). The night before the wedding stormed so loud we thought the windows would blow in, but the day dawned with overcast greys skies and peaks of sunshine. She made the most beautiful and stunning bride and I wish I had more photos to share with you, but until then, here are two teasers from their fabulous photographers Mint and Lime Photography....
As well as a few more I've found on facebook...
| Vows |
| The lovely newlyweds |
| Besties for life <3 |
Now as MOH it is my job to do a speech at the reception. The problem being, as so many of you can relate I am sure, is that I hate public speaking!! So I got to thinking, if I am not good at public speaking then what am I good at...
And this is what I came up with....
| Their love story... |
I can't wait to watch the rest of their story unfold! Angie an Jon, I love you both <3
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